Many Southern California manufacturers in the aerospace and defense supply chain are keenly aware of the negative effect that federal budget cuts and sequestration have on existing and future business. So when President Trump proposes a $54 billion increase in defense spending, it’s tempting to imagine a rosy future for the thousands of companies in the region that contribute to the manufacture of the U.S. military’s jets, drones, rockets, weapons and more. But are those hopes unfounded?
David Blanco, AMP SoCal partner, chairperson of the Capital Access and Operational Improvement Pillar Committee, and president of Performance Ascent, shares his thoughts on whether to count on a boost in business, click here for the full article: 89.3 KPCC – Trump’s defense budget raises hopes for SoCal aerospace firms, Ben Bergman, March 21, 2017
Read more as others weigh in on what the new budget could mean for the local aerospace industry.