Workforce Development

The goal of these workshops is to inform manufacturing firms that have been adversely affected by reduced Department of Defense procurement and contracting on how to find a steady stream of skilled workers to fill apprenticeships and job vacancies.

For future AMPSoCal events, please check our upcoming events page.

Fall 2017 Bi-Annual Meeting: Manufacturing the Future of Aerospace & Defense

November 14, 2017

This presentation focuses on the next generation of aerospace manufacturers and the technology of the future. Panels included answering questions about addressing the shortage of CNC operators to growing your business for tomorrow’s industry. You can view the agenda here.

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Prepare for Launch: The Technology and Skills for Today’s Space Industry

September 13, 2017

AMP SoCal, led by the USC Center for Economic Development, teamed up with Tooling U-SME to offer an aerospace luncheon at WESTEC 2017.  This panel discusses the opportunities allowing mankind to fly higher, reach farther, and travel faster – including what it takes for manufacturers to find people with the right skills to get us there.  You can view the agenda here.

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