The following is a selection of recent announcements gleaned from various federal sources and colleagues and is provided to EDA’s Economic Development Integrators to increase our awareness of complementary resources for economic development.
See more open funding opportunities at federal agencies on the EDI webpage at
Also visit the following links on our updated EDI webpages at for additional information about federal resources that are available to support comprehensive regional economic development strategies, including:
- Federal Assistance for Economic Development
- Tools and Other Resources for Economic Development Integration
- Economic and Community Development Networks and Partners
Click here to view all weekly federal announcement posts
- Funding & Resource Announcements
- Recently Announced Federal Awards
- ARC Announces $44M in POWER Grants to Coal-Impacted Economies in 9 States
- NIST Awards Research Grant to Examine ROI for Manufacturing Credentials
- USDA Invests $152 M to Improve Broadband Service in 14 States
- HHS ACF Program Awards Social and Economic Strategies (SEDS) Grants to 40 Native American Communities
- Public Meetings, Events and Training
- Reports, Tools and Data
- NEW: Manufacturing USA Annual Report: Delivering Value for the Nation
- NEW: EPA and FEMA Issue New Regional Resilience Toolkit
- NEW: DOT ROUTES Initiative Seeks to Improve Rural Transportation Infrastructure
- DOL ETA Announces Availability of the Labor Surplus Area List for FY 2020
- EPA Releases Superfund Task Force Report
- Disaster Recovery Resources & Info
Funding & Resource Announcements
NEW: EDA’s FY2020 Notice for Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Grants Programs Now Available (PWEAA NOFO)
U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) has published the FY 2020 Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs Notice of Funding Opportunity (PWEAA NOFO).
Under this NOFO (formerly known as the Economic Development Assistance Program NOFO), EDA solicits applications for construction, non-construction, planning, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects under EDA’s Public Works program and Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) program, which includes Assistance to Coal Communities. Access the funding opportunity through by searching “PWEAA2020” or click here. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Contact your regional EDA Representative for more information and technical guidance.
NEW: Compilation of Federal Incentives and Actions Supporting Opportunity Zones Now Available on HUD Opportunity Zones Website
- To view over 180 actions taken by federal agencies to support Opportunity Zones, as well as a host of other resources for Local Leaders, Investors and Entrepreneurs in Opportunity Zones, visit the new federal Opportunity Now, Opportunity Zones website hosted by HUD at: Featured links include:
- Completed Actions by Federal Agencies to Support OZs, updated October 2019:
- Opportunity Zones Community Toolkit – Providing a roadmap to planning for economic development within OZs:
Additional resources for Opportunity Zones:
- To view projects EDA has supported in and around Opportunity Zones, please visit EDA’s Opportunity Zones webpage.
- To learn more about OZ tax advantages, visit the IRS website at, including their updated Opportunity Zones Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
CDFI Fund’s CY19 New Markets Tax Credit Program. Apply by Oct 28
The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) has up to $3.5 billion in tax credit allocation authority available for the CY 2019 round.
More information about the NMTC Program can be found on the program’s webpage or in the program’s fact sheet.
USDA Rural Economic Development Loans and Grants Available. Next Quarterly Due Date: Dec 31, 2019.
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development is accepting FY20 applications for its Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG) Program. Awards are made on a competitive basis to utilities that will relend the funds for local economic development efforts. The funding may be used to assist with business start-up and expansion costs; business incubators; feasibility studies; advanced telecommunications and computer networks for medical, educational, and job training services; and community facilities that spur economic development. For more information, applicants should contact the USDA RD representative for the state in which the project will be located:
USDA FY20 and FY21 SBIR Opportunities. Apply by Oct 23 for FY20 Funds
The Department of Agriculture announced the opening of the solicitation process for the FY 2020 and FY 2021 for its SBIR program. Funds may be awarded up to $100,000 for a Phase I project. Projects dealing with agriculturally related manufacturing and alternative and renewable energy technologies are encouraged. Click here for the solicitation.
NEW: EPA Brownfields Program Grants. Webinar Oct 24; Applications Due Dec 3;
The FY20 Brownfield Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup Grant Guidelines are now LIVE. You can also view them on the Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization webpage. Application submission deadline is December 3, 2019.
The solicitations are available in here:
- Brownfields Assessment Grant:
- Brownfields Clean Up Grant:
- Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grant:
Oct 24 WEBINAR: A webinar to provide an overview of EPA’s Brownfields Program, eligible projects, and the application process will be presented on Thursday Oct 24, 11am-1pm. Participants may join the webinar at and/or via conference call with dial-in number: 1-866-299-3188/ access code: 202-566-1817.
USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Upcoming Deadline: Oct 31.
USDA Rural Development offers REAP funding to support agricultural producers and rural small businesses to reduce energy costs and consumption with by purchasing and installing renewable energy systems and making energy efficiency improvements in their operations. Application Deadlines: Grants – Oct 31 & March 31, 2020. Loan Guarantees: Accepted year-round
DOT Funding Available for Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning. Closes Nov 18.
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the availability of approximately $19.19 million in Pilot Program for TOD Planning funding to support comprehensive planning associated with new fixed guideway and core capacity improvement projects. FTA may award amounts ranging from $250,000 to $2,000,000.
The Pilot Program for TOD Planning provides funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning in new fixed guideway and core capacity transit project corridors. As required by statute, any comprehensive planning funded through the pilot program must examine ways to improve economic development and ridership, foster multimodal connectivity and accessibility, improve transit access for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, engage the private sector, identify infrastructure needs, and enable mixed-use development near transit stations.
Consistent with statutory direction, FTA is seeking comprehensive planning projects covering an entire transit capital project corridor, rather than proposals that involve planning for individual station areas or only a small section of the corridor. To ensure that planning work reflects the needs and aspirations of the local community and results in concrete, specific deliverables and outcomes, FTA is requiring that transit project sponsors partner with entities with land use planning authority in the transit project corridor.
Link to Additional Information: FTA Opportunity FTA-2019-010-TPE
NEW: FEMA FY19 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Funds Available. Closes Jan 31, 2020.
The Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program makes available Federal funds to State, Local and Tribal Governments to implement and sustain cost-effective measures designed to reduce the risk to individuals and property from natural hazards, while also reducing reliance on Federal funding from future disasters.
FEMA will provide allocations of $575,000 as required by the Stafford Act to states and territories; and a tribal set aside of $20 million for allocations up to $575,000 for Native American Indian tribal governments to support overall mitigation planning and projects. The remaining PDM funds will be awarded on a competitive basis with a focus on multi-state/tribal mitigation initiatives.
Applicants must submit applications via the Mitigation eGrants system on the FEMA Grants Portal: Applicants may submit a maximum of 9 project sub-applications notwithstanding any project(s) submitted for the state/territory allocation or tribal set aside. In addition, any state or tribe willing to serve as the applicant for a multi-state or tribal activity may submit one additional plan or project subapplication.
Visit for full details.
Open Federal Funding Opportunities:
Below is a list of previously highlighted funding opportunities that are still open. Enter the Opportunity Number in to see announcement details. You can also search for a full list of current federal opportunities, including programs not listed below.
Opportunity Number | Opportunity Title | Agency | Posted Date | Close Date | |
FY 2020 EDA Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs | DOC-EDA | 10/18/2019 | Open | |
FY 2019 EDA Disaster Supplemental | DOC-EDA | 08/13/2019 | Open | |
693JJ319NF-NSFLTP | Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects (NSFLTP) | DOT-FHWA | 10/04/2018 | Open | |
USDA-NIFA-SBIR-006790 | FY 20 and FY21 SBIR Phase I RFA | USDA-NIFA | 07/25/2019 | 10/23/2019 | |
USDA-NIFA-SBIR-006790 | FY 20 and FY21 SBIR Phase I RFA | USDA-NIFA | 07/25/2019 | 10/23/2019 | |
FR-6300-N-34 | FY19 Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant Program | HUD | 08/05/2019 | 11/04/2019 | |
Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning | DOT-FTA | 09/18/2019 | 11/18/2019 | ||
TATFY20 | TAT Grant Program | USDA-RUS | 10/01/2019 | 12/31/2019 | |
DHS-19-MT-047-000-99 | FY19 Pre-Disaster Mitigation | DHS-DHS | 09/09/2019 | 01/31/2020 | |
EDA-HDQ-OIE-2020-2006301 | Accelerate R2 Network Challenge – FINAL | DOC | 10/18/2019 | 03/11/2020 | |
CRNR-2020 | Coral Reef and Natural Resources Program | DOI | 10/16/2019 | 04/01/2020 | |
TAP-2020 | Technical Assistance Program | DOI | 10/04/2019 | 04/01/2020 | |
Recently Announced Federal Awards
ARC Announces $44M in POWER Grants to Coal-Impacted Economies in 9 States
The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) recently announced a $44.4 million investment package to expand and diversify the economy in Appalachia’s coal-impacted communities through the POWER (Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization) Initiative. These 54 awards are projected to create or retain over 5,700 jobs, leverage more than $39 million in private investment, create and/or retain 2,940 businesses, and train thousands of workers and students within the broadband, entrepreneurship, substance abuse recovery, tourism and other industry sectors across coal-impacted communities in nine Appalachian states. A summary of awards, as well as more information about ARC’s work in diversifying the economy in Appalachia’s coal-impacted communities, is available at
The Delta Regional Authority (DRA) also announced new Investments focused on Strengthening Public Infrastructure, Job Creation and Preparing the Workforce in four states:
DRA Announces $2.3 Million Investment into Louisiana Communities
- DRA Announces $2.2 Million Investment into Arkansas Communities
- DRA Announces $1.6 Million Investment into Alabama Black Belt Communities
- DRA Announces $1.6 Million Investment into Mississippi Communities
NIST Awards Research Grant to Examine ROI for Manufacturing Credentials
The U.S. Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) has recently awarded a new cooperative agreement as part of the 2019-NIST-MSE-01 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Workcred, Inc., an affiliate of ANSI, will receive an award totaling $498,845 for Research Examining the Return on Investment (ROI) of Manufacturing Credentials. In a two-year study, research will evaluate the ROI of existing manufacturing related credentials, with a focus on credentials used in the operations/production aspects of manufacturing. Small and Medium sized Manufacturers will be selected from clients of Centers in the MEP National NetworkTM to represent a range of manufacturing sectors, facility sizes and geographic regions.
USDA Invests $152 M to Improve Broadband Service in 14 States
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that USDA is investing $152 million in 20 projects to provide or improve rural broadband service in 14 states: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin. USDA is making the investments through the Community Connect Grant Program, the Telecommunications Infrastructure Loan Program and the Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee Program. Investing in telecommunications infrastructure connects people to each other: businesses to customers, farmers to markets, and students to a world of knowledge.
HHS ACF Program Awards Social and Economic Strategies (SEDS) Grants to 40 Native American Communities.
The Administration for Native Americans (ANA) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families recently awarded 40 grant projects, totaling $11,237,594 to help strengthen Native communities throughout the United States.
Funding through the Social and Economic Strategies (SEDS), Social and Economic Strategies for Alaska (SEDS-AK), and the Environmental Regulatory Enhancement (ERE) grants will assist Native governments and organizations with planning, developing and implementing projects that preserve Native culture and ceremonies, support economic development, utilize traditional practices to safeguard the land, water and air environments within and around Native communities, and strengthen inter-generational activities between elders and youth. These grant projects, which have a project period between one to three years, support ANA’s mission to promote self-sufficiency and encourage communities to move toward social and economic well-being.
Most grants will be for a three-year project period and will range from $100,000 – $400,000. To review the complete listing of Administration for Native Americans grants, visit:
Public Meetings, Events and Training
SBA Announces National Veterans Small Business Week (Nov 4 – 8)
The Small Business Administration has announced a celebration veteran-owned small businesses during the sixth annual National Veterans Small Business Week (November 4 – 8). This year’s theme will highlight the veteran entrepreneurship journey and the many resources available to support their mission to successful business ownership. Learn more.
SBA’s SBIR Road Tour: Final Stops in the FL and Caribbean (Nov 13-15)
The Small Business Administration (SBA) 16-stop road tour connecting entrepreneurs working on advanced technology to the country’s largest source of early stage funding is coming to an end. The tour featured the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. The remaining stops are:
- Caribbean: the SBIR Road Tour will stop in Miami, Florida on November 13 and in Puerto Rico on November 15.
For more information about SBIR/STTR programs, please visit
Reports, Tools and Data
NEW: Manufacturing USA Annual Report: Delivering Value for the Nation
Manufacturing USA® this week released its 2018 Annual Report, describing innovations underway at the 14 Manufacturing USA institutes, with member organizations across the country focused on technology and workforce development.
NEW: EPA and FEMA Issue New Regional Resilience Toolkit
Follow this link to download a new community resource: the Regional Resilience Toolkit: 5 Steps to Build Large-Scale Resilience to Natural Disasters: The new toolkit was created by EPA and FEMA, in partnership with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission/Association of Bay Area Governments (MTC/ABAG). This toolkit offers five steps for communities to
- ENGAGE partners
- ASSESS disaster risks
- ACT on priority resilience goals
- FUND projects and
- MEASURE progress
It is designed to help any jurisdiction, no matter the size or capacity or hazard, manage the planning and outreach needed to build a more resilient future. EPA and FEMA hope to continue using this toolkit to provide direct assistance to regions around the U.S.
NEW: DOT ROUTES Initiative Seeks to Improve Rural Transportation Infrastructure
The US Department of Transportation announced its Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Success (ROUTES) initiative to address disparities in rural transportation infrastructure. The initiative includes a ROUTES Infrastructure Management Team with three primary activities:
- Collecting input from stakeholders on the benefits rural projects offer for safety and economic benefits, as well as the type and degree of assistance rural projects require
- Providing user-friendly information to rural communities to assist them in understanding and applying for DOT discretionary grants
- Improving DOT’s data-driven approaches to better assess needs and benefits of rural transportation infrastructure projects.
The ROUTES Initiative will be coordinated across key modal administrations, including the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the Federal Rail Administration (FRA), and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). More info here:
DOL ETA Announces Availability of the Labor Surplus Area List for FY 2020
The Employment and Training Administration has published a September 25 notice regarding the availability of the Labor Surplus Area list for FY 2020. The notice addresses:
- Introduction
- Eligible Labor Surplus Areas
- Procedures for Classifying Labor Surplus Areas
- Petition for Exceptional Circumstance Consideration
For more information, visit DOL’s LSA webpage.
EPA Releases Superfund Task Force Report
This month, EPA released the 2019 Superfund task force report and recommendations. Review the report here.
Disaster Recovery Resources & Info
Primary site for Disaster Recovery Assistance:
Where to Find Federal Disaster Declarations
- You can find the latest federal emergency and disaster declarations, as well as prior declarations for other areas, on FEMA’s disaster declarations webpage.
- Amended Declarations: Existing Declarations may be subsequently amended to expand covered areas, provide notification that an incident has been closed, or make other necessary changes.
Funding and other Assistance Available for Economic Recovery:
NEW: HUD Technical Assistance Program for Disaster Recovery in Distressed Cities.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has begun accepting requests for Technical Assistance (TA) under the new Distressed Cities Technical Assistance (DCTA) Program. This TA program is specifically designed to assist communities with populations under 40,000 that are struggling to recover from natural disaster and economic decline. The TA program will be community-specific and scaled to ensure a measurable impact on communities’ growth and resilience, as well as an efficient use of public funds. DCTA may be used to build capacity around: financial management; economic revitalization; affordable housing development; disaster recovery and resiliency planning; cross-sector partnership building; and utilizing federal development programs. To learn more about this new TA program, including eligibility requirements and how to request assistance, visit the Distressed Cities Technical Assistance page on the HUD Exchange. Note that HUD strongly encourages interested jurisdictions to contact your HUD Field Office prior to submitting a request for TA.
Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund – Apply by Nov 12.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), in coordination with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has grants funds available through its Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund. Eligible projects must be located within the outlined National Coastal Resilience Fund (NCRF) Coastal Areas and be within counties that received a federal disaster declaration as a result of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, or the wildfires of 2018. Applications are due by November 12, 2019. Apply through NFWF’s online applicant portal. See RFP for full details:
EDA Disaster Supplemental Funding Available for Areas Impacted by 2018/19 Disasters
On August 13, 2019, EDA announced the EDA Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Disaster Supplemental Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), making available $587 million for eligible grantees in communities impacted by Presidentially declared natural disasters in 2018, and floods and tornadoes in 2019. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted. View Opportunity Number EDA-2019-DISASTER on, and contact your EDA Regional Office representative for eligibility information and application assistance.
- Note that EDA’s 2018 Supplemental Funding for communities impacted by 2017 Disasters (EDA-2018-DISASTER) is a separate funding opportunity. View information about grants that EDA has already made, as well as related resources on EDA’s Disaster Recovery web page.
USDA Rural Housing Announced Availability of 2019 Disaster Relief Act Funds
USDA Rural Housing Service’s Community Facilities Program (CF) has supplemental grant funding available for necessary expenses related to the consequences of Hurricanes Michael and Florence and wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, tornadoes and floods occurring in calendar year 2019, and other natural disasters. Submit applications through USDA State Office contacts, available at: about-rd/offices/state-offices.
Economic Recovery Support & the National Disaster Response Framework
- Read more about the Economic Recovery Support Function (ERSF) and the National Disaster Response Framework here: