The USC Center for Economic Development’s (CED) AMP SoCal program wants to encourage middle and high school students to enter the advanced manufacturing industry! Join us in creating a video to raise awareness for the next generation of Southern California manufacturing. The majority of the video will consist of current working professionals’ personal vlog clips, discussing their work and education experiences.
The CED Team is looking for alumni from local Southern California community colleges or advanced manufacturing programs to contribute to this video. We aim to inspire youth by educating them in different manufacturing roles (CAD, CAM, CNC, and CAI), required skills, and everyday life in this work. The requested vlog clips should be separated into two, fifteen second segments. The first clip should focus on your experience learning about or doing one of the four roles listed above and the second clip about why you enjoy your job and why others should consider a manufacturing career.
The current global pandemic alone demonstrates the necessity for expanding advanced manufacturing. States are lacking essential medical supplies, including proper personal protection equipment (PPE) and ventilators, therefore increasing the detrimental impacts of COVID-19. Additionally, a number of skilled manufacturers are retiring without replacements. This workforce shortage presents an opportunity for students to enter an innovative industry with high growth potential.
The production of this video will shine an important light on a vital aspect of society. We encourage you to create your own vlogs to share your insight. Please upload your vlog to Google Drive and email a shareable link to Dion Jackson at There is an open deadline, meaning you may submit clips at your convenience through May 15th.
You may download a flyer and instruction sheet. Please contact with any questions or concerns.