Small Business Vouchers Pilot Supporting Materials

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) enterprise of National Laboratories is designed to advance innovative solutions to America’s energy challenges through science and technology. The Small Business Vouchers (SBV) Pilot is a mechanism structured to allow small businesses engaged in the renewable energy and the energy efficiency sectors greater access to the vast capabilities and resources that exist at the DOE National Laboratories. Through the SBV Pilot, eligible small businesses can tap into the reserve of National Laboratory intellectual and technical assets to overcome critical technology and commercialization challenges. The Advanced Manufacturing Partnership for Southern California (AMP SoCal) hosted a workshop on December 11, 2015 that covered SBV as part of its Innovation Forum Series. The videos and presentation from that workshop can be viewed on the Media Archive page.

CMTC is a non-profit dedicated to improving the manufacturing community in Southern California. It’s part of the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program as one of the 60 nationwide MEP centers, an outgrowth of the U.S. Government policy to develop and deploy technology, management and technical expertise for improving the competitiveness of manufacturing for small and medium-sized companies. CMTC is piloting SBV supporting material for the MEP Program and the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) for small businesses interested in applying for the SBV Pilot. The Right and Ready Form is a pre-application for interested companies so they may know the full commitments of the SBV Pilot program and whether or not they meet the initial qualifications.

We ask those who use the material to please let us know how effective it was in getting manufacturers interested, qualified and ready for submitting an application by submitting feedback here.

The company will still need to complete an application to submit to the DOE for review. The link below will identify Voucher Funding and Anticipated Number of Vouchers by Technology Area. Please have users review the material to make sure they are providing the right guidance for potential company applicants.

For more details on the Small Business Vouchers Pilot:

Learn more about CMTC: