Advanced Manufacturing Partnership for Southern California (AMP SoCal)

Weekly summary of selected federal resources and info – August 14, 2017 edition

The following is a selection of recent announcements gleaned from various federal sources and colleagues, and is provided to EDA’s Economic Development Integrators to increase our awareness of complementary resources for economic developmentSpecial thanks to ETA and other federal partners for sharing content included below.

Click here to view all weekly federal announcement posts.


Funding & Resource Announcements


Department of Education Releases Revised FY 2016 State Allocations under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006

The Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education has provided State Directors of Career and Technical Education with the revised State allocations for 2016.  The memorandum can be found on the Perkins Collaborative Resource Network.

The memorandum addresses requirements for States if allocation has increased, State Plan revisions, requirements for within-state allocations and possible options, revised budget requirements, submission deadlines, and contact information.

Public Meetings, Events and Training


National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship to Meet on August 24 – 25; Webcast Available

The National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (NACIE) will hold a public meeting on Thursday, August 24, 2017, from 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) and Friday, August 25, 2017, from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. ET. During this time, members will hear from Federal innovation and entrepreneurship policymakers and program executives and discuss potential policies that would foster innovation, increase the rate of technology commercialization, and catalyze the creation of jobs in the United States. Topics to be covered include innovative manufacturing, rural growth through innovation and entrepreneurship, apprenticeships in entrepreneurship and high-growth technology sectors, and alignment of federal innovation and entrepreneurship policies and programs.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Time: 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. ET

Friday, August 25, 2017

Time: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. ET

NACIE provides advice directly to the Secretary of Commerce. NACIE’s advice focuses on transformational policies and programs that aim to accelerate innovation and increase the rate at which research is translated into companies and jobs, including through entrepreneurship and the development of an increasingly skilled, globally competitive workforce.

The final agenda for the meeting will be posted on the NACIE Web site at prior to the meeting.


Native American Employment and Training Council to Meet on August 29 – 30

The Native American Employment and Training Council will meet on August 29 – 30. The formal agenda will focus on the following topics:

  1. Transition paper;
  2. Performance Indicators;
  3. 4-Year Competition and Strategic Plan;
  4. ETA Updates and follow-up on the Implementation Activities;
  5. Training and Technical Assistance;
  6. Council and Workgroup Updates and Recommendations;
  7. New Business and Next Steps; and
  8. Public Comment.

The meeting – held in Room N-3437 A & B of the Frances Perkins Building in Washington D.C. — will be open to the public.


Rural-Grown, Local-Owned Manufacturing Panel at the Aspen Institute, September 8, 11:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. EST

America’s Rural Opportunity is a six-part series, co-sponsored by the Aspen Institute Community Strategies Group and the Rural Development Innovation Group, that invites policymakers, economic and community development practitioners, and business and philanthropic leaders to engage in dialogue around advancing a rural opportunity agenda. [Learn more about the series and watch videos from previous events.]

Panel will highlight how several rural-grown and local-owned businesses and networks are making manufacturing work in rural America. Register to attend or register to watch live.


Philanthropy Roundtable to Hold October 3 – 4 Event in Detroit to Discuss “Jumpstarting Entrepreneurship in Your Community”

The Philanthropy Roundtable is hosting another meeting in Detroit on October 3 – 4 for funders.

These questions among others will be presented to the donors: How is philanthropy helping to promote entrepreneurship and fuel startup communities? What kinds of investments are donors making in their regional areas and what are they seeking to achieve with these investments?  What do we know about the impact of these efforts?  What are some of the metrics and data that have been collected to assess impact?  Where are the gaps in evaluation and analysis?  Are there case studies that showcase lessons learned?  What are the promising efforts on the horizon?

Local and national funders have embarked on the bold goal of returning Detroit to its position as a global economic leader. Recognizing entrepreneurship as a powerful means of diversifying and strengthening the region’s economy, they have invested in building a network of support for entrepreneurs across southeast Michigan.  What can be learned from the ongoing Detroit experience and in turn, what can Detroit learn from others?

Jumpstarting Entrepreneurship in Your Community | The Philanthropy Roundtable


More Upcoming Economic Development Conferences

Reports, Tools and Data


Census Bureau Updates “Census Flows Mapper” with ACS Data; Users Can View and Save County-to-County Migration Flow 

The U.S. Census Bureau this week updated the Census Flows Mapper to include 2011-2015 American Community Survey data. Census Flows Mapper is a web mapping application that allows users to view and save county-to-county migration flows in the United States. Users can sort and customize maps by dataset, type of migration flow, colors and range of movers.

Each dataset features different characteristics using five-year American Community Survey data. The updated tables cover migration flows between counties by selected characteristics including sex, age, race and Hispanic origin. Additional characteristics such as household income, educational attainment and employment statistics are available in previous datasets. In addition to the updated Census Flows Mapper, county-to-county, county/minor civil division-to-county/ minor civil division, and metro-to-metro migration flows files are available.


New Report: The Promise of the State-Federal Partnership on Workforce and Job Training

A new report from the National Governors Association and the National Associations of State Workforce Liaisons and State Workforce Board Chairs on the importance of strong partnership between states and the federal government on workforce development was posted on the NGA website this week.

The report “illustrates the importance of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and sustained federal support for state workforce programs to the continued growth of state economies.”

Also of Interest


University Economic Development Administration Announces Finalists under the “Awards of Excellence” Recognizing Innovation, Talent and Place

Established in 1976, the University Economic Development Association (UEDA) is the cornerstone membership organization representing higher education, private sector and community economic development stakeholders. UEDA works to expand economic opportunity in our communities by leveraging research, community resources, campus planning, talent development, and technology commercialization.  UEDA’s mission is to serve its members by enhancing members’ abilities to deliver economic development benefits through engagement with higher education.

UEDA this week announced that the 2017 UEDA Awards of Excellence finalists have been chosen following an extremely close competition this year. Higher education institutions and organizations across North America submit nominations annually for innovative programs that focus on developing economic prosperity in their communities and beyond. A panel of university and economic development professionals have chosen 24 finalists from the group of nominated projects.

The UEDA awards are designed to help accelerate these programs by recognizing cutting edge initiatives, and to promote their adoption by other universities and communities. Program categories include: Innovation, Talent, and Place, as well as the intersections of these three categories.

Those attending UEDA’s Annual Summit (#UEDASummit), taking place October 1-4, 2017, in Long Beach, California will judge the Awards finalists to select a leading initiative in each category. Criterion for judging includes initiative replicability, scalability, sustainability, impact, and originality. The Awards are the cornerstone program of the UEDA Annual Summit; whose program features best practices in economic development.

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