Advanced Manufacturing Partnership for Southern California (AMP SoCal)

Selected Federal Agency Announcements and Related for the Week of September 9, 2019

The following is a selection of recent announcements gleaned from various federal sources and colleagues and is provided to EDA’s Economic Development Integrators to increase our awareness of complementary resources for economic development.

See more open funding opportunities at federal agencies on the EDI webpage at

Also visit the following links on our updated EDI webpages at for additional information about federal resources that are available to support comprehensive regional economic development strategies, including:

Click here to view all weekly federal announcement posts


Funding & Resource Announcements


NEW: Department of Commerce Seeks Recommendations for How to Spur Economic Development in OZs and other Distressed Areas. Submit Input by Oct 18

Through a Request for Information (RFI) notice published  in the Federal Register, the Department seeks public input on how the Federal Government can better align its various economic development programs and resources so as to encourage and facilitate beneficial investments in urban and economically distressed communities, including in qualified Opportunity Zones.

The Department of Commerce requests information from and the perspectives of stakeholders who support economic development in Opportunity Zones, including State, local and tribal officials, institutions of higher education, nonprofits, philanthropic organizations and other impact investors, economic development and other experts in relevant disciplines, and affected stakeholders in the private sector. Submit comments on this RFI by October 18, 2019.

To learn more about the Commerce Department’s work in Opportunity Zones, please visit EDA’s Opportunity Zones webpage.


NEW: IRS Updates OZ Frequently Asked Questions for Opportunity Zones

On Sept 4, the Internal Revenue Service updated its Opportunity Zones Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page with guidance on when investors can adjust basis to fair market value, where a list and map of designated qualified opportunity zones (OZs) can be found, how to become a qualified opportunity fund and whether inventory in transit can be qualified OZ business property.


HUD updates List of Federal Programs Offering Opportunity Zone Benefits

The White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council has updated its report of “Completed Program Targeting Actions” to support projects and drive investment to Opportunity Zones. The original list published in April 2019 has now grown to 143 grants and programs – an increase of 93 additional grants and programs. As of August 8, 2019, the report now captures actions of 16 Federal agencies that are now offering Opportunity Zone benefits (including bonus points, preference points, priority consideration or special consideration). See details here:


LISC Playbook for Community Partners in OZs

The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) has partnered with the Council for Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) and the Ford Foundation to develop a playbook for community partners on Opportunity Zones. This playbook is the first in a series in which LISC aims to lay out potential trajectories and best practices for the range of Opportunity Zones actors. The new playbook is available here.



NEW: CDFI Fund Opens CY 2019 Round of New Markets Tax Credit Program. Apply by Oct 28

The  U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) released the Notice of Allocation Availability (NOAA) for the calendar year (CY) 2019 round of the New Markets Tax Credit Program (NMTC Program). The NOAA makes up to $3.5 billion in tax credit allocation authority available for the CY 2019 round. The NMTC Program spurs investment of private sector capital into distressed communities by providing a tax credit to corporate or individual taxpayers who make Qualified Equity Investments (QEIs) in designated Community Development Entities (CDEs). The CDEs, in turn, invest the capital raised into businesses in low-income communities. The credit provided to the investor totals 39% of the investment in a CDE and is claimed over a seven-year credit allowance period.

Please refer to the NOAA for more details and deadlines.

Applicant Info: The CDFI Fund will conduct two one-hour conference calls to answer application questions.  The dial-in number is 1-888-324-3810 and the pass code is 6986823. No prior registration is necessary.

More information about the NMTC Program can be found on the program’s webpage,, or in the program’s fact sheet.


EPA Technical Assistance Available through Local Foods, Local Places. Apply by Sep 30

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced an opportunity to apply for technical assistance for communities interested in revitalizing neighborhoods through development of local food systems. The assistance will be provided through the Local Foods, Local Places (LFLP) program.  Deadline for applications is September 30, 2019.

LFLP partner communities work with a team of agricultural, environmental, public health and regional economic development experts to set goals and identify local assets that can support the local food economy. Communities also develop an action plan and identify potential resources from the participating federal agencies to support implementation. Communities with projects located in federal designated Opportunity Zones will receive special consideration.

To apply for LFLP assistance:



 USDA FY20 and FY21 SBIR Opportunities. Apply by Oct 23 for FY20 Funds

The Department of Agriculture announced the opening of the solicitation process for the FY 2020 and FY 2021 for its SBIR program.  Funds may be awarded up to $100,000 for a Phase I project. Projects dealing with agriculturally related manufacturing and alternative and renewable energy technologies are encouraged. Click here for the solicitation



DOT Funding Available for Port Infrastructure. Apply by Sep 16

The Department of Transportation has announced the availability of funding for grants under its Port Infrastructure Development Program. this program and establishes selection criteria and application requirements. A total of over $292M will be available, with $92.7M directed for grants to the 15 coastal seaports that handled the greatest number of loaded foreign and domestic twenty-foot equivalent units of containerized cargo in 2016. Applications must be submitted September 16, 2019. See NOFO for detail:



DOL Funding for Apprenticeships. Apply by Sept 24.

The Employment Training Administration (ETA) has announced up to $100 million in grant funding available for the Apprenticeships: Closing the Skills Gap grant program. The Department intends to fund up to 30 apprenticeship grants, with awards ranging from $500,000 to $6 million. Grants may be local/regional, statewide, or national in scale, and funding will depend on the proposed geographic scope of the apprenticeship project.  View the announcement on here:


Open Federal Funding Opportunities:  

Below is a list of previously highlighted funding opportunities that are still open. Enter the Opportunity Number in to see announcement details. You can also search for a full list of current federal opportunities, including programs not listed below.


Opportunity Number Opportunity Title Agency Posted Date Close Date


FY 2019 EDA Disaster Supplemental DOC-EDA 08/13/2019 Open
693JJ319NF-NSFLTP Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects (NSFLTP) DOT-FHWA 10/04/2018 Open
EDAP2018 FY18 Economic Development Assistance Programs: Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance DOC-EDA 07/02/2018 Open
693JF7-19-BAA-0002 Port Infrastructure Development Grants DOT-MA 06/12/2019 09/16/2019
2019-NIST-SBIR-03 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) DOC-NIST 07/19/2019 09/20/2019


Apprenticeships: Closing the Skills Gap DOL-ETA 06/24/2019 09/24/2019
FR-6300-N-14 Jobs Plus Initiative HUD 07/30/2019 10/01/2019
USDA-NIFA-SBIR-006790 FY 20 and FY21 SBIR Phase I RFA USDA-NIFA 07/25/2019 10/23/2019
USDA-NIFA-SBIR-006790 FY 20 and FY21 SBIR Phase I RFA USDA-NIFA 07/25/2019 10/23/2019
FR-6300-N-34 FY19 Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant Program HUD 08/05/2019 11/04/2019

Public Meetings, Events and Training

Sept 18 Broadband USA Webinar:  Measuring the Economic Impact of Broadband

Date:   Wednesday, September 18, 2019   Time:  2:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET

Overview: The digital economy accounted for 6.9 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product, or $1.35 trillion, according to a recent survey by the Department of Commerce. Understanding how to measure and communicate the benefits of broadband is critical to building support for efforts to expand connectivity and use. Join BroadbandUSA and leading U.S. researchers to discuss their research into the economic impact of broadband deployment and adoption in the United States.

Pre-register here:  registration link.   After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Sept 24 Webinar on Apprenticeship Programs – Leveraging National Certifications

Registration.  Join ACT on Tuesday, September 24 (1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EDT) for a free webinar on:

Sept 29-Oct 2:  University Economic Development Association “Designing Resilient Regions” Summit, Reno NV

The University Economic Development Association 2019 Annual Summit convenes in Reno Sept. 29-Oct. 2, bringing a projected 250 attendees to explore manageable, scalable and impactful programs and projects that can be implemented by regions around the globe. “Designing Resilient Regions: The Biggest Little Ideas for ALL Ecosystems” is the theme for the conference to be held at the Whitney Peak Hotel in downtown Reno.

A discounted “early bird” price has been extended for Nevada and Reno-area registrants through Sept. 13. Use the code “WolfPack” when registering through the conference website —


SBA’s SBIR Road Tour: Final Stops on the East Coast (Sept 16-20) and Caribbean (Nov 13-15)

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is continuing its 16-stop road tour connecting entrepreneurs working on advanced technology to the country’s largest source of early stage funding – the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. Small technology firms, innovators, scientists or researchers seeking more information on the SBIR Road Tour, including a schedule of stops and participating agencies should visit: Remaining stops include:

For more information about SBIR/STTR programs, please visit


SBA Announces National Veterans Small Business Week (Nov 4 – 8)

The Small Business Administration has announced a celebration veteran-owned small businesses during the sixth annual National Veterans Small Business Week (November 4 – 8). This year’s theme will highlight the veteran entrepreneurship journey and the many resources available to support their mission to successful business ownership. Learn more


Reports, Tools and Data

BLS Data (QCEW) Now Incorporated into Census Business Builder v2.6

The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) data are now available in the Census Business Builder, a web data tool from the U.S. Census Bureau that provides demographic and economic data to business owners and regional analysts in a user-friendly format that is simple to access.  View the latest release of the Regional Analyst version here: Regional Analyst Edition:


Pew Charitable Trusts Tool Permits Browsing through State Broadband Policies and Funding

The Pew Charitable Trusts has launched a new initiative which has introduced a new tool to permit the browsing through State broadband policies and funding.  View the tool here:


EDA 2018 Annual Report Available

Last month, EDA released its Annual Report of the agency’s activities during Fiscal Year 2018.

Disaster Recovery Resources & Info

Primary site for Disaster Recovery Assistance:

Where to Find Federal Disaster Declarations


Funding and other Assistance Available for Economic Recovery:

NEW:  Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund – Apply by Nov 12.

Areas impacted by hurricanes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, and 2018 wildfires

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), in coordination with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as per the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2019 (P.L. 116-20), is announcing the Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund to support projects that increase the resilience of coastal communities impacted by hurricanes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, and wildfires in 2018. The Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund will support projects that strengthen natural systems at a scale that will increase protection for communities and critical assets against the future impacts of storms, floods, and other natural hazards.

Eligible projects must be located within the outlined National Coastal Resilience Fund (NCRF) Coastal Areas and be within counties that received a federal disaster declaration as a result of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, Typhoon Yutu, or the wildfires of 2018. Projects outside these boundaries that can demonstrate a clear and distinct nexus to protecting a coastal community that is both within the NCRF boundary and within a county that received a federal disaster declaration (as described above) may also be eligible.

Applications are due by November 12, 2019. Apply through NFWF’s online applicant portal. See RFP for full details:

EDA Disaster Supplemental Funding Available for Areas Impacted by 2018/19 Disasters

EDA Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Disaster Supplemental Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is making available $587 million for eligible grantees in communities impacted by Presidentially declared natural disasters in 2018, and floods and tornadoes in 2019. The FY19 Disaster Supplemental NOFO (EDA-2019-DISASTER) is available on at:

Note that EDA’s 2018 Supplemental Funding for communities impacted by 2017 Disasters (EDA-2018-DISASTER) is a separate funding opportunity.

EDA Supplemental Funding for Areas Impacted by 2017 Disasters. In early 2018, EDA received supplemental funding to support economic recovery in areas impacted by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria, and wildfires and other 2017 natural disasters. This funding opportunity (EDA-2018-DISASTER) is separate from the recently announced Supplemental Funds available for specific 2018/19 Disasters (EDA-2019-DISASTER).

Please contact your EDA regional office for more information about eligibility and availability of Disaster Supplemental funds. See the following links for details:

HUD Allocates CDBG Mitigation Funds for 2015-2017 Disaster Areas

On August 23, HUD published a notice allocating $6.875 billion in Community Development Block Grant Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) funds to grantees recovering from qualifying 2015, 2016, and 2017 disasters. The notice describes grant requirements and procedures, including waivers and alternative requirements, applicable to CDBG-MIT funds only. The notice provides allocations for eligible areas in CA, FL, GA, LA, MO, NC, SC, TX and WV.

View the CDBG Mitigation Notice

NEW: On September 10, 2019,  HUD subsequently published the Notice for the US Virgin Islands (Docket No. FR–6109–N–03) allocating $774,188,000 in CDBG Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) funds and providing specific guidelines for the USVI to “reduce risk and support the successful implementation of this CDBG-MIT allocation.” It also prohibits the USVI from spending CDBG-MIT funds on electrical power system enhancements until HUD publishes their notice governing the use of the $2 billion set aside. These funds were set aside for repairing and upgrading the electrical grid in Puerto Rico and the USVI in February 2018, when Congress authorized almost $16 billion in mitigation funding. The notice also requires the USVI provide updates that measure capacity and compliance when they achieve 10, 25 and 50 percent of grant disbursement.

NEW: USDA Rural Housing Announced Availability of 2019 Disaster Relief Act Funds

As part of the Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act, 2019, the Rural Housing Service’s Community Facilities Program (CF) received supplemental grant funding available for necessary expenses related to the consequences of Hurricanes Michael and Florence and wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, tornadoes and floods occurring in calendar year 2019, and other natural disasters, to remain available until expended.  Applications will be accepted on a continual basis, beginning on the publication date of this Notice, until funds are exhausted. Applications should be submitted through USDA State Office contacts, available at: about-rd/offices/state-offices. For more info, contact  Karla Peiffer, USDA Rural Development, Community Facilities Program at (515) 238–6668 or via email at karla.peiffer@

Economic Recovery Support & the National Disaster Response Framework

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