Advanced Manufacturing Partnership for Southern California (AMP SoCal)

Selected Federal Agency Announcements and Related for the Week of March 19, 2018

The following is a selection of recent announcements gleaned from various federal sources and colleagues, and is provided to EDA’s Economic Development Integrators to increase our awareness of complementary resources for economic developmentSpecial thanks to ETA and other federal partners for sharing content included below.

Also visit the following links on our updated EDI webpages at for additional information about federal resources that are available to support comprehensive regional economic development strategies, including:

Click here to view all weekly federal announcement posts.

Funding & Resource Announcements

Announcements of Federal Funding & Assistance Available:


DOE Prize Competition to Spur Onshore Manufacturing of Energy Technologies. Register by April 3

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the opening of the American Inventions Made Onshore (AIM Onshore) prize competition and the availability of DOE’s Build4Scale manufacturing training. To learn more about the AIM Onshore prize competition rules, eligibility, and deadlines, go to Ask any questions by emailing


NEW USDA Announces Funds Available for Rural Energy for America (REAP) Program. Disaster Areas Eligible. Apply by Apr 30.

The Rural Business-Cooperative Service within the Department of Agriculture has issued a Solicitation of Applications (NOSA) prior to passage of a final appropriations act to allow potential applicants time to submit applications for financial assistance under Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) for Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2018, and give the Agency time to process applications within the current fiscal year.

The REAP has two types of funding assistance: (1) Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements Assistance, and (2) Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance Grants. The Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvement Assistance provides grants and guaranteed loans to agricultural producers and rural small businesses to purchase and install renewable energy systems and make energy efficiency improvements to their operations. Noted among the criteria for selection:

·         Projects owned by a veteran;·         Projects owned by a member of a socially-disadvantaged group including Federally declared disaster areas;·         The proposed project is located in an impoverished area, has experienced long-term population decline, or loss of employment.

This NOSA is being issued prior to enactment of full year appropriation for 2018. The Agency will publish the amount of funding received in any continuing resolution or the final appropriations act on its website at

The application closing date for this cycle is April 30. Application materials may be obtained by contacting one of Rural Development’s Energy Coordinators, as identified via the following link:  For more information, see:


ARC Invites Proposals for FY18 POWER Grants. Apply by May 1.

The Appalachian Regional Commission has issued an RFP for its Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative, for communities affected by job loss in the coal mining industry. The POWER FY18 grant competition will be structured in two cycles: Cycle 1 deadline: May 1, 2018.; Cycle 2 deadline: July 27, 2018. Up to 70% of available POWER FY18 funds will be awarded in Cycle 1. For more information visit:


NEW USDA’s Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Invites Applications for FY18 Community Connect Grants. Proposals Due May 14.

The purpose of the Community Connect Grant Program is to provide financial assistance in the form of grants to eligible applicants that will provide service at the Broadband Grant Speed to all premises in currently unserved, lower-income, and extremely rural areas. RUS will give priority to rural areas that demonstrate the greatest need for broadband services, based on defined criteria. The Agency will publish the amount of funding received in any continuing resolution or the final appropriations act on its website at

The deadline for proposals is May 14.  View announcement in at: RDRUS-CC-2018 or visit the March 15 FEDERAL REGISTER for complete background, eligible applicants, reference materials, specification of eligible/ineligible grant activities, and instructions for the submission of proposals. See:


USDA Announces $89M in Grants Available to Support Specialty Crops, Local Food Systems and New Markets for Farmers and Ranchers. Apply by May 24

USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has announced nearly $89 million in available funding to support specialty crop growers, strengthen local and regional food systems, and explore new market opportunities for farmers and ranchers.

Webinar for applicants of both FMPP and LFPP on March 28, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. ET.

For more information about these programs, visit the AMS Grants & Opportunities web page and learn more about eligibility and grant uses at What AMS Grant is Right for Me?

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Announces Labor-Management Cooperation Grants Available. Apply by May 31.

FMCS-2018  The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) provides federal grants to support the establishment and operation of plant-level, area-wide or industry joint labor-management committees confronting specific, definable problems for which they have developed clear, innovative and measurable long-term solutions. FMCS will accept applications for funding under its Labor-Management Cooperation Grant Program for FY 2018 beginning on March 12, 2018 until May 31, 2018. For more information visit the FMCS Labor-Management Cooperation Grant Program – Main Page. For Grant Application package and additional information, visit or the FMCS website at:


NEW: NSF Invites SBIR and STTR Applications to Fund R&D for Science and Technology Products. Proposals Due June 14.

The National Science Foundation’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs- also known as America’s Seed Fund powered by NSF – provides small businesses with equity-free funding to conduct research and development (R&D) work. The funding is intended to allow recipients to bring innovative new products and services to market that drive the commercial success of the small business.

The NSF STTR and SBIR programs seeks innovative proposals that show promise of commercial and societal impact. We invite the submission of proposals in almost any area of science and technology (more information on our technical topics is available here).

Further information about the program, including the webinar schedule, short videos, a step-by-step guide on how to submit a proposal, and a list of FAQs, is available at

Also note that SBA is embarking on an SBIR/STTR road show, to bring federal agencies like NSF, that have  current funding for SBIR/STTR project, to communities across the US for information sharing. See Events announcement below or


Federal Awards Announced:


NEW DOT Announced FY2017 TIGER Grants to 41 Recipients

The U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) has announced the list of 41 recipients of nearly $500 million in discretionary grant funding for road, transit, maritime and rail projects through the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program. The fiscal year (FY) 2017 TIGER program gave special consideration to projects which emphasized improved access to reliable, safe, and affordable transportation for communities in rural areas, such as projects that improve infrastructure condition, address public health and safety, promote regional connectivity, or facilitate economic growth or competitiveness.

More than 64% of this round of TIGER funding was awarded to rural projects, a historic number that demonstrates this Administration’s commitment to supporting the country’s rural communities. Tribal projects are receiving $39.18 million of this round of awards, the highest amount of funding since the first round of TIGER. The primary selection criteria for TIGER awards include considerations for safety, state of good repair, economic competitiveness, quality of life and environmental sustainability for each project. Secondary criteria include innovation and partnerships. The criteria used to select projects for these grants were similar to the Administration’s Infrastructure principles of supporting economic vitality and promoting innovation.

Projects supported by the TIGER discretionary grants are listed in this FACT SHEET and on the TIGER webpage here:

Previously Announced Federal Funding Opportunities Closing Soon:  

Below is a list of previously highlighted funding opportunities that are still open. Enter the Opportunity Number in to see announcement details. You can also search for a full list of current federal opportunities, including programs not listed below.


Opportunity Number Opportunity Title Agency Posted Date Close Date
2018-NIST-SBIR-01 FY 2018 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program DOC-NIST 01/18/2018 04/04/2018
USDA-NIFA-EF47-006508 1890 Facilities Grants Program USDA-NIFA 02/06/2018 04/06/2018
CNCS-03-08-18 FY 2018 Community Conversations CNCS 03/09/2018 04/10/2018
2018-NEA01CA NEA Challenge America, FY2019 NEA 12/05/2017 04/12/2018
EPA-HQ-OPPT-2018-001 FY 2018 – FY 2019 Pollution Prevention Grant Program EPA 03/01/2018 04/26/2018
P18AS00071 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Grant Program DOI-NPS 02/28/2018 05/01/2018
BOR-DO-18-F002 Desalination and Water Purification Research Program for Fiscal Year 2018 DOI-BOR 02/27/2018 05/01/2018
NOAA-NMFS-HCOP-2018-2005502 NOAA Coastal Resilience Grants Program (FY 2018) DOC 01/24/2018 05/07/2018
USDA-AMS-TM-FMPP-G-18-0002 Farmers Market Promotion Program USDA-AMS 03/07/2018 05/07/2018
USDA-AMS-TM-LFPP-G-18-0001 Local Food Promotion Program USDA-AMS 03/07/2018 05/07/2018
P18AS00081 Historic Preservation Fund Grants-in-Aid: Tribal Heritage Grants DOI-NPS 03/01/2018 05/11/2018
RDRUS-CC-2018 Community Connect Grant Program USDA-RUS 03/15/2018 05/14/2018
N00014-18-S-F005 FY 2018 FOA for DOD’s Office of Naval Research (ONR) Manufacturing Engineering Education Program DOD-ONR 01/12/2018 05/16/201
USDA-AMS-TM-SCBGP-G-18-0003 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program – Farm Bill USDA-AMS 03/07/2018 05/24/2018
FMCS-2018 Labor-Management Cooperation Grant Program FMCS 03/12/2018 05/31/2018
NNH18ZDA001N-DISASTERS ROSES 2018: Earth Science Applications: Disaster Risk Reduction and Response NASA-HQ 02/15/2018 06/14/2018
NSF 17-590 Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources NSF 08/22/2017 10/01/2018

Public Meetings, Events and Training

Mar 21 – Broadband USA Webinar on Creating Public Private Partnerships

Join BroadbandUSA for a practical conversation on broadband public-private partnerships and how to create successful partnerships for different types of projects and communities. Learn about the successes, challenges, and risks as well as specific details on implementation and management steps. Speakers will high- light their experiences with public- private partnerships in deploying broadband networks, implementing smart cities, powering the Internet of Things, and creating digital inclusion projects.

Topic: Broadband Public-Private Partnerships: Delivering Solutions for America’s Communities

Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. EDT

Registration link

Visit our webinar archives for past presentations, transcripts and audio recordings.


Mar 21 – Dpt of Energy RAPID Manufacturing Institute Hosts Second Webinar on Process Intensification

The Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO)’s Rapid Advancement in Process Intensification Deployment (RAPID) Manufacturing Institute will host its second webinar, part of a 10-part series, about Process Intensification (PI). The webinar will be on Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 11 am-12 pm EDT. In this 60-minute webinar, you will learn about the first of the four elementary domains of PI – the spatial domain. Register today for the webinar presented by leading PI expert Andrzej Stankiewicz.

Background: In December, 2016, the Department of Energy announced the establishment of the 10th Manufacturing USA Institute, representing a critical step in the federal government’s effort to double U.S. energy productivity by 2030. The RAPID Institute is focused on the development of breakthrough technologies to boost energy productivity and energy efficiency through manufacturing processes in industries such oil and gas, pulp and paper and various domestic chemical manufacturers. RAPID will leverage approaches to modular chemical process intensification (MCPI) — such as combining multiple process steps such as mixing, reaction, and separation into single more complex and intensified processes — with the goal of improving productivity and efficiency, cutting operating costs, and reducing waste. This 10-part webinar series will review PI fundamentals.

To catch up on part 1, click here


Begins April 16 – SBA Begins 2018 SBIR/STTR Road Tour

The U.S. Small Business Administration has announced its 2018 road tour connecting entrepreneurs with next generation R&D ideas to early stage funding led by the SBA’s Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs. Each stop in the 18-state road tour will be hosted by a local organization, and program managers from the 11 participating federal agencies will conduct one-on-one meetings with attendees, take part in targeted panels, and share insights into how their agencies make funding decisions. The SBIR/STTR programs provide $2.5 billion in early stage funding to small businesses each year in a wide variety of technology areas such as unmanned systems, advanced materials, health, cybersecurity and defense.  The SBIR/STTR programs execute over 4,000 new awards annually. The national road tour schedule for 2018:

Small technology firms, innovators, scientists or researchers seeking more information on the SBIR Road Tour, including a schedule of stops and participating agencies should visit:


Other Conferences and Events of Note:

·         National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference – Mar 18-21 (Miami, FL)

Learn more and register here

·         NADO Training Workshop on CEDS – March 21 (Arlington VA)

Please e-mail Program Manager Brett Schwartz at with any questions.

·         UEDA 2018 Annual Summit: “Disruptive Economic Development – Higher Education Ecosystems” Oct 21 – 24 (Milwaukee, WI)

Click here to learn More …

·         2018 National Development Finance Summit – Nov 7-8 (Dallas, TX)

Contact CDFA for information or Register Here. Scholarships are available to attend this event. Learn more here: CDFA Scholarship Program

Reports, Tools and Data

EDA Integration Tools and Resources Available Online

Check out new content recently posted to EDA’s webpages for Economic Development Integration, at, that can help communities and regions find and access a wide array of federal resources for economic development. Visit the following pages for more information about:

Includes our excel based Matrix of Federal Economic Development Resources

If you have suggestions or updates to any of the information you see on these pages, please contact the EDI HQ team at


Treasury, IRS Guidance on Designating Opportunity Zones (Due by March 21)

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act established Opportunity Zones to spur private investment in distressed communities throughout the country. On February 8, the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provided guidance to states, the District of Columbia, and any possession of the United States, on designating Opportunity Zones. Governors and chief executive officers must make nominations by March 21st or request a single 30-day extension. Click here for Full guidance.

The following information is also available at the CDFI Fund webpage for Opportunity Zones:

Opportunity Zones Information Resource, with sortable lists by State of all census tracts eligible for designation as a Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ).

For a map of all census tracts eligible for designation as a QOZ, click here.

For questions on the Opportunity Zone nomination and designation process:

Phone: (202) 653-0406



NEW: Mapping Tool For for Opportunity Zone Designation – Includes Other Federal Investment Activity on Site

To assist State and local officials to identify and select census tracts may be eligible to designate under the new Opportunity Zones Program, Enterprise Community Partners’ Opportunity 360 team has a created a new mapping tool, based on guidance from the US Treasury’s CDFI Fund and the IRS. The mapping tool includes filters that indicate where other federal designations or funded projects (e.g. NMTC, CDBG, Choice Neighborhoods, Promise Zones, etc) intersect and could potentially align with or help leverage the impact of Opportunity Zone designations and resulting private investment.

Their website states the following:

Created as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, the Opportunity Zones Program is designed to drive long-term capital to distressed communities by providing tax benefits on investments in Opportunity Funds. Governors in each state and U.S. territory (and the Mayor of Washington, D.C.) have until March 21, 2018 to designate a number of Low Income Community census tracts that will be eligible to receive private investment through the Opportunity Zones Program over the next decade. Read more about the Opportunity Zones Program.

The Opportunity360 team created the tool below to help states and others interested in opportunity zone eligibility to determine which tracts in their state or region are eligible and how eligible tracts relate to other federal programs and designations. In addition, users can filter tracts using the Opportunity360 Outcome Indices to see how people living in these tracts are faring across our five outcome dimensions.

Read more about the methods used to produce these eligibility designations. Download the eligibility data underlying this tool. The tool and data will be updated to reflect any further data or guidance from the CDFI Fund and IRS.


NEW DOT FHWA Posts Research Addressing Freight Delivery and Supply Chain Challenges in Urban Areas.

FHWA’s recent Talking Freight webinar series feature case studies and research on strategies for resolving the last 50 feet of the freight deliveries in urban areas like Seattle, Washington.  Visit the links below to hear the exchange or download the research papers for more information on this critical supply chain challenge.


NEW APLU-UEDA Innovation and Economic Prosperity (IEP) Designation Program Now Open to All Universities. Apply by April 30.

The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) and University Economic Development Association (UEDA) recently announced a partnership to provide access to APLU’s Innovation and Economic Prosperity (IEP) University Program to all higher education institutions. Until now, the IEP program, which recognizes higher education institutions that make regional economic development a priority, was only available to public research universities and land-grant institutions in APLU’s membership. To date,  58 public research universities have received the IEP University designation.

UEDA and APLU are accepting letters of intent for the inaugural cohort of the IEP Universities Program though UEDA+. The deadline to submit letters of intent is April 30, 2018. For more information, visit the UEDA IEP Website.


Disaster Recovery Resources & Info

Primary site for Disaster Recovery Assistance:

Funding Assistance for Recovery Efforts:


CNCS Announces Funding for Participatory Research in Communities that Experienced Disasters. Apply by April 10

The Corporation for National and Community Service has released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) of up to $500,000 for the 2018 Community Conversations Research competition. The broad focus of the competition is to engage communities in conversations about their civic health using participatory research approaches to facilitate civic engagement and strengthen community capacity to address local issues, both of which are central to CNCS’s mission. This research competition will award funds to institutions of higher education to support academics and applied researchers who work with and in local communities to use a participatory research approach. CNCS seeks to support participatory research in three types of communities, with equal priority: communities that are already working collaboratively to tackle a locally identified issue; communities that have experienced a disaster; and communities in social crisis. The deadline for applications will be on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 by 5 p.m. Eastern Time. Successful applicants will receive awards of between $50,000 and $100,000 per year for up to 2 years.  Link to Additional Information: Full competition information and resources

NIH RFA: Research on Health Risk and Resilience after Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Applications Due April 16

RFA-MD-18-006 The purpose of this initiative is to support time-sensitive research on risk and resilience factors related to short and long-term health outcomes following Hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Applicant organizations must be U.S. organizations physically located in Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands. This initiative will use a shortened submission timeline with expedited peer review, council concurrence and award issuance. The entire cycle, from submission to award, is expected to be within 3-4 months. Application deadline is April 16. Following this link for more info: Apply Now

Funding Opportunity for Gulf Coast States Recovering from Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (AL, FL, LA, MS, TX). Deadline April 30.

Member agencies and states of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (Council) may submit applications under the RESTORE ACT, to fund activities to enhance collaboration, coordination, public engagement, and use of best available science. Details are available at: Applications for project funding will be accepted until April 30, 2018


Updates on FEMA Response in Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands


Where to Find Federal Disaster Declarations

Amended Declarations

Existing Declarations may be subsequently amended to expand covered areas, provide notification that an incident has been closed, or make other necessary changes.

These are posted in the Federal Register here:

Economic Recovery Support

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