The following is a selection of recent announcements gleaned from various federal sources and colleagues and is provided to EDA’s Economic Development Integrators to increase our awareness of complementary resources for economic development.
See more open funding opportunities at federal agencies on the EDI webpage at
Also visit the following links on our updated EDI webpages at for additional information about federal resources that are available to support comprehensive regional economic development strategies, including:
- Federal Assistance for Economic Development
- Tools and Other Resources for Economic Development Integration
- Economic and Community Development Networks and Partners
Click here to view all weekly federal announcement posts
- Funding & Resource Announcements
- NEW: NIST MEP Centers Can Now Apply for $50M in CARES Act Funding
- NEW: SBA Lending Programs Authorized in CARES Act
- NEW: Interim Final Rule Modifies Paycheck Protection Program
- NEW: Federal Reserve Announces Increase in Mainstreet Loan Program
- NEW: HUD Guidance for Supplemental 2020 CDBG Allocations for COVID-19
- EXTENDED to April 15: USDA Rural Business Development Grant Program
- EXTENDED to April 22: EPA Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund –Supplemental Funding Requests
- MBDA Seeking to Fund Business Centers with Focus on Minority Women Entrepreneurs. Apply by May 30
- NEW: Second Round for USDA Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grants. Apply by Jul 13
- NEW: DOI Announces Availability of National Tribal Broadband Grant Feasibility Study Funding
- NEW: Institute of Museum and Library Services To Award $30M in CARES Funds to State Library Administrative Agencies
- Apply by April 30: Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant
- Apply by May 4: Transportation – HOPE Program Funds for Areas of Persistent Poverty
- Apply by May 18: Port Infrastructure Development Program Grants
- RLFs for Water Infrastructure
- Open Federal Funding Opportunities:
- Public Meetings, Events and Training
- Reports and Data for Economic Development
- NEW USDA Releases Guide to Federal Programs for Rural Communities Impacted by COVID-19
- Related Assistance: USDA Program Flexibilities to Help Rural Businesses and Communities
- NEW Federal Reserve’s 2019 Small Business Credit Survey Offers Baseline for Recovery
- NEW: Census Bureau’s New Weekly Business Formation Statistics Data Now Available
- Non-Federal Info of Note
- Disaster Recovery Resources & Info
- Where to Find Federal Disaster Declarations
- Funding and other Assistance Available for Economic Recovery
- Apply by April 30: USDA
- Resources for COVID-19 Disaster Assistance:
- SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program
- UPDATE HUD Provides Flexibility for CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT Grantees
- DOL Resources to help workers and employers prepare for COVID-19
- EDA FY19 Disaster Supplemental Funding Available for Areas Impacted by 2018/19 Natural Disasters
- NIST Funding Available for MEP Disaster Assessment Program
- EPA Toolkit Features Resources to Prepare for Natural Disasters
- HUD TA for Disaster Recovery in Distressed Cities
- HUD Mitigation Funds Available through CDBG-MIT Program
- Economic Recovery Support & the National Disaster Response Framework
Funding & Resource Announcements
NEW: NIST MEP Centers Can Now Apply for $50M in CARES Act Funding
On 4/13, the Department of Commerce’s NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program announced it has launched the application process for $50 million in grants to help manufacturers respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Using funds authorized by the CARES Act , NIST will issue awards to Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) centers in all 50 states and Puerto Rico for COVID-19-related projects.
Through a formal Request for Applications, NIST MEP centers may apply for a portion of nearly $50 million allocated to support new projects, which will not require matching nonfederal funds. Successful applications will allow MEP centers to help manufacturers recover from workforce and supply chain interruptions; apply for private insurance claims and disaster loans from the Small Business Administration; and access resources at the federal, state and local level. MEP centers may also use the funds to assess the operating needs of manufacturers, scout for manufacturers that can produce critically needed medical equipment and supplies, and organize peer-to-peer manufacturing councils.
The amount of individual center funding is determined by the number of manufacturers in their market. Centers will receive a link to a page where they can submit their applications, which will be accepted on a rolling basis. For more information, visit:
NEW: SBA Lending Programs Authorized in CARES Act
SBA has been actively updating and issuing guidance for accessing lending programs authorized under the CARES Act. regarding the following:
- Economic Injury Disaster Loans for small businesses and nonprofits (EIDL)
- Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance to complement EIDL
- Debt Relief for existing Disaster loans (such as those received for past natural disasters)
- Paycheck Protection Program
- SBA Express Bridge Loans
- Debt Relief for existing 7a, 504 and Microloans
Visit SBA webpage for additional guidance for businesses and nonprofits, including links to apply online (for EIDL and EIDL Advance) and/or where to find authorized lenders (e.g. for PPP and other SBA guaranteed loans) and technical assistance to help with all the above.
NEW: Interim Final Rule Modifies Paycheck Protection Program
The federal bank regulatory agencies announced an interim final rule to encourage lending to small businesses through the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program, or PPP. The PPP was established by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, and provides loans to small businesses so that they can keep their workers on the payroll during the disruptions caused by the coronavirus. The rule is effective immediately and comments will be accepted for 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. Link: Interim Final Rule on Paycheck Protection Program Lending Facility and Paycheck Protection Program Loans
NEW: Federal Reserve Announces Increase in Mainstreet Loan Program
On April 9, The Federal Reserve announced additional actions to provide up to $2.3 trillion in loans to support the economy. This funding will assist households and employers of all sizes and bolster the ability of state and local governments to deliver critical services during the coronavirus pandemic. Among actions taken, were to
- Bolster the effectiveness of the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and
- Ensure credit flows to small and mid-sized businesses with the purchase of up to $600 billion in loans through the Main Street Lending Program.
The Announcement further notes:
The Main Street Lending Program will enhance support for small and mid-sized businesses that were in good financial standing before the crisis by offering 4-year loans to companies employing up to 10,000 workers or with revenues of less than $2.5 billion. Principal and interest payments will be deferred for one year. Eligible banks may originate new Main Street loans or use Main Street loans to increase the size of existing loans to businesses. Banks will retain a 5 percent share, selling the remaining 95 percent to the Main Street facility, which will purchase up to $600 billion of loans. Firms seeking Main Street loans must commit to make reasonable efforts to maintain payroll and retain workers. Borrowers must also follow compensation, stock repurchase, and dividend restrictions that apply to direct loan programs under the CARES Act. Firms that have taken advantage of the PPP may also take out Main Street loans.
NEW: HUD Guidance for Supplemental 2020 CDBG Allocations for COVID-19
The CARES Act provided additional funding for HUD Community Development Programs, including increases to 2020 CDBG allocations for states and entitlement area recipients. Funds can be used for a range of eligible activities including construction of facilities, business assistance, workforce training, and planning and capacity building.
On April 9, HUD issued guidance for CDBG grantees that includes information about CARES Act allocations, eligible activities to support COVID-19, and other FAQs:
- CARES Act Allocations-Community Development Programs (includes CDBG):
- Quick Guide to CDBG Eligible Activities to Support Infectious Disease Response
- CDBG Infectious Disease Response
- Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) COVID-19 FAQs (March 31, 2020)
For full release, click here.
EXTENDED to April 15: USDA Rural Business Development Grant Program.
USDA extended the application deadline for the Rural Business Development Grant (RBDG) program to no later than April 15, 2020. Contact the Rural Development Office for the deadline in your state. USDA announced the extension in an Unnumbered Letter posted March 19, 2020.
USDA has also provide flexibilities in its other Rural Development and Cooperative Services programs. Read the full announcement
EXTENDED to April 22: EPA Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund –Supplemental Funding Requests.
The Environmental Protection Agency has extended the due date for supplemental funding requests under the Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund to April 22, 2020. The April 7 FEDERAL REGISTER provides full background on the extension. View this link for Fact Sheet
MBDA Seeking to Fund Business Centers with Focus on Minority Women Entrepreneurs. Apply by May 30.
The Minority Business Development Agency within the Department of Commerce has announced a funding opportunity that seeks to fund Business Center(s) with a particular focus on supporting minority women entrepreneurs in the U.S. and its territories to build their businesses, secure contracts and capital, and increase employment opportunities. MBDA anticipates making three awards, each for $500,000 per year, for a total of $1.5M per year ($3M total). Applications are due May 30. See MBDA Notice of Funding Opportunity on for more information here:
DRA States’ Economic Development Assistance Program Funding Available
The Delta Regional Authority (DRA) is opening the 2020 application cycle for the States’ Economic Development Assistance Program (SEDAP). SEDAP, which provides direct investments into community-based and regional projects that address the DRA’s congressionally mandated four funding priorities, is the main investment tool used by the DRA. All necessary information for application consideration can be found in the 2020 SEDAP Manual. Organizations and communities can apply online at
The deadline to submit applications is May 31, 2020, and funds are available to DRA’s footprint of 252 counties and parishes in Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee.
April /June Deadlines: Apply for Priority Consideration through USDA’s Strategic Economic and Community Development Program.
Through the Strategic Economic and Community Development (SECD) authority in the 2018 Farm Bill, USDA has set aside a portion of funding in four programs, for rural projects that support regional economic and community development planning, such as CEDS. The four programs are:
- Community Facilities Loans, Grants and Loan Guarantees
- Water and Waste Disposal Program Loans, Grants and Loan Guarantees
- Business & Industry Program Loan Guarantees
- Rural Business Development Grants
To apply for the funding, applicants must apply by the due date for the specific program or June 30, whichever is FIRST. Applicants also must meet all other underlying program requirements and submit Application Form (Form RD 1980-88) along with other application materials to their nearest USDA office. Consideration for regional development priority will be based on:
- How well the project supports a multi-jurisdictional plan, and
- How well the plan addresses collaboration and investments from other federal and philanthropic agencies.
For more information on how this SECD prioritization works, please contact your local USDA Rural Development office or Gregory Batson at [email protected]. More details can also viewed at page 11947 of the Feb. 28, 2020, Federal Register:
NEW: Second Round for USDA Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grants. Apply by Jul 13.
USDA is opening a second application window for funding under the Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) grant program. Electronic applications for window two may be submitted through beginning April 14 2020, and are due no later than July 13, 2020.
NEW: DOI Announces Availability of National Tribal Broadband Grant Feasibility Study Funding
The Department of Interior’s Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development has announced the availability of National Tribal Broadband Grant (NTBG) Feasibility Study Funding. The Office intends to invest $1,200.000 to support 30 grant awards. These resources would permit the grantees to hire consultants to perform feasibility studies for deployment or expansion of high-speed internet (broadband) transmitted, variously, through digital subscriber line (DSL), cable modem, fiber, wireless, satellite and broadband over power lines (BPL). Feasibility studies funded through NTBG will assist Tribes to make informed decisions regarding deployment or expansion of broadband in their communities. Applications are due by June 15. See:
NEW: Institute of Museum and Library Services To Award $30M in CARES Funds to State Library Administrative Agencies
The $30 million in the funding phase announced on April 13, 2020 will be distributed to all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. territories, and the Freely Associated States based on population. The agency is allocating these grants through its in-place funding vehicle for all states and territories, State Library Administrative Agencies (SLAAs). States and territories will be able to use the funds to expand digital network access, purchase internet accessible devices, and provide technical support services to citizens to address digital inclusion efforts and related technical support. IMLS will provide additional details and anticipated timelines of this funding availability directly to SLAAs.
In addition, on April 6, IMLS authorized new flexibilities for its nearly 1,300 open awards in response to the impact of COVID-19. The agency also plans to announce additional measures to aid museums and libraries. More information is available at
Apply by April 30: Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant
USDA Rural Development is accepting Fiscal Year 2020 applications for grants to help rural communities expand their capacity to access financial resources for economic development. Electronic Application Deadline: April 30, 2020 via | Paper Application Deadline: May 5, 2020
Apply by May 4: Transportation – HOPE Program Funds for Areas of Persistent Poverty.
DOT’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced availability of of $8.5 million in Helping Obtain Prosperity for Everyone (HOPE) Program funds to improve transit services or facilities in areas of persistent poverty through funding for planning, engineering, technical studies, or financial plans. The HOPE Program supports projects that will improve transit services or facilities in areas of persistent poverty through planning, engineering, or development of technical, or financing plans for projects.
Applicants are encouraged to work with non-profits or other entities of their choosing to develop an eligible project. Project applications are due by 11:59 p.m. May 4, 2020. See FTA’s webpage for more information at:
Apply by May 18: Port Infrastructure Development Program Grants
The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 (NDAA) and the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 authorized and appropriated $225 million for the Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) to make grants to improve facilities within, connecting to, out of, or around coastal seaports, inland river ports and Great Lakes ports. The Act directs that at least $200 million of the appropriated funds be for grants to coastal seaports or Great Lakes ports. Minimum award size is $1M. Funds for the PIDP are to be awarded as discretionary grants on a competitive basis for projects that will improve the safety, efficiency or reliability of the movement of goods into, out of, around or within a port. For more information, view the Notice on visit DOT’s webpage at
RLFs for Water Infrastructure
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has made $2.7 billion available for State Revolving Funds that support water infrastructure. The SRF programs function like infrastructure banks by providing low-interest loans to eligible recipients. Assistance is provided directly from state agencies. Visit these EPA webpages for a contact in your state: and
AVAIL NOW: NIST Manufacturing USA National Emergency Assistance Program
On March 30, 2020 NIST announced Funding Opportunity: 2020-NIST-MFGUSA-NEAP-01,
inviting applications from current Manufacturing USA institutes not receiving financial assistance under Section 1741(e) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 ((Pub. L. 116-92, December 20, 2019), to be codified at 15 U.S.C. § 278s(e)) at the time of proposal submission.
Projects should focus on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Projects may include medical countermeasures; non-medical countermeasures; leveraging institute capabilities to strengthen state and community resilience; grants to companies and technical support to accelerate productions of critical materials, equipment, and supplies; creation of additional production facilities; technology roadmapping for pandemic response and recovery; reshoring the manufacture of critical conventional drugs and ensuring supply chain for critical materials related to pandemic response; or workforce development and training for a skilled advanced manufacturing workforce.
See NOFO on for complete information:
NEW: Energy Announces $14M For Coal Tech R&D
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy (FE) announced up to $14 million in federal funding for cost-shared research and development projects under the funding opportunity announcement (FOA) DE-FOA-0002185, Advanced Coal Processing Technologies.
The FOA seeks applications for the research and development of coal-derived products as building materials and infrastructure components, as well as other value-added, coal-derived carbon products. The FOA seeks applications for the research and development of technologies capable of continuously producing a carbon foam from a coal-derived feedstock. Additionally, the FOA seeks to support the application, validation, and integration of several carbon-based building products into carbon building structures.
The projects will support FE’s Advanced Coal Processing Technologies Program, focused on improving coal feedstocks for power production and steel making, producing high-value solid products from coal, and identifying alternative technologies to produce high-performance carbon material from coal.
Read more details here. Apply by Jul 14, 2020.
NEW DOL Seeks Industry Intermediaries to Expand Registered Apprentice Programs. RFP Closes April 28
On April 6, 2020, the Department of Labor published a Request for Proposal (RFP) Notice ID # 1630DC-20-R-00020, titled “Industry Intermediaries to Expand Registered Apprenticeship Programs.” The RFP solicits proposals to award up to 11 contracts to industry intermediaries. Industry Intermediaries serve as a conduit between employers, as well as other industry partners, and OA, to accelerate Registered Apprenticeship program development and help broker new sector-based apprenticeship partnerships at the regional and national level. This includes, but is not limited to, the following high-growth industries: Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Telecommunications and 5g, Advanced Manufacturing, Hospitality, Healthcare and Health IT, Transportation and Logistics, and Energy.
For additional information on this RFP (e.g. instructions and closing date), please visit:
NEW Department of Labor Announces Availability of $42.5 Million in Youth Apprenticeship Grants
April 6 — The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) announced the availability of $42.5 million in Youth Apprenticeship Readiness grants to support the enrollment of in-school or out-of-school youth apprentices (ages 16-24) into new or existing Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs). Direct link to solicitation
ETA intends to fund approximately 15 to 25 Youth Apprenticeship Readiness grants, with awards ranging from $1 million to $5 million. The amount of grant funding an applicant can receive will depend on the proposed number of youth enrolled in RAPs. Information on how eligible applicants can apply for funding can be found at here. Also, please visit to learn more about the department’s broader efforts to connect career seekers with apprenticeship opportunities and expand apprenticeship into new sectors and industries.
Open Federal Funding Opportunities:
Below is a list of previously highlighted funding opportunities that are still open. Enter the Opportunity Number in to see announcement details. You can also search for a full list of current federal opportunities, including programs not listed below.
Opportunity Number | Opportunity Title | Agency | Posted Date | Close Date | |||
FY 2020 EDA Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs | DOC-EDA | 10/18/2019 | Open | |||
EDA-2019-DISASTER | FY 2019 EDA Disaster Supplemental | DOC-EDA | 08/13/2019 | Open | |||
NIST Manufacturing USA National Emergency Assistance Program | DOC-NIST | 03/30/2020 | Open | |||
FR-6400-N-54 | HUD’s FY2020 and FY2021 Distressed Cities TA Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) | HUD | 11/26/2019 | Open | |||
2020-NIST-MEP-MDAP-01 | NIST MEP Disaster Assessment Program | DOC-NIST | 01/17/2020 | Open | |||
ETA-TEGL-12-19 | National Dislocated Worker Grants Program Guidance | DOL-ETA | 03/19/2020 | ||||
DE-FOA-0002229 | Fiscal Year 2020 H2@Scale New Markets FOA | DOE-GFO | 01/23/2020 | 04/20/2020 | |||
2020-NIST-SBIR-01 | NIST Small Business Innovation Research Program Phase I | DOC-NIST | 02/18/2020 | 04/22/2020 | |||
FTA-2020-011-TPE-HOPE | FY 2020 Helping Obtain Prosperity for Everyone Program | DOT-FTA | 03/03/2020 | 05/04/2020 | |||
DTOS59-20-RA-BUILD | FY 2020 National Infrastructure Investments | DOT | 02/18/2020 | 05/18/2020 | |||
693JF7-20-BAA-0001 | Port Infrastructure Development Grants | DOT-MA | 02/18/2020 | 05/18/2020 | |||
2020-NIST-SBIR-02 | The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program Phase II | DOC-NIST | 03/27/2020 | 05/26/2020 | |||
USDA-NIFA-SBIR-007194 | FY 2020 FY2021 SBIR Phase II RFA | USDA-NIFA | 02/07/2020 | 05/27/2020 | |||
MBDA-OBD-2020-2006443 | Enterprising Women of Color | DOC | 03/29/2020 | 05/30/2020 | |||
HHS-2020-ACL-NIDILRR-BISB-0400 | Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) Phase II | HHS-ACL | 03/27/2020 | 06/10/2020 | |||
Public Meetings, Events and Training
April 15 Webinar: Broadband USA– Three Service Providers Discuss Business Models and Solutions
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 / 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET
Rural service providers continue to deploy broadband solutions and work to close the digital divide, developing strong local partnerships and sustainable business models. Panelists include an electric coop from the Virginia Piedmont, an independent telephone company serving rural areas in the Southeast, and a regional cable provider, offering a triple play of video, Internet and voice in the upper Midwest. Please pre-register for the webinar using this registration link.
Webinar April 16, Comment By August 25: NIST Considers Alliance Pathway for Manufacturing Centers
The Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office at NIST, which coordinates with other federal agencies on Manufacturing USA, has issued a Request for Information (RFI). The RFI seeks comments from the public on an “alliance pathway” where manufacturing centers outside of Manufacturing USA could be recognized by the Secretary of Commerce as centers for manufacturing innovation. In particular, the office requests feedback on risks, the proposed application process for alliance members, and responses to questions including: eligibility and evaluation criteria, funding opportunities for alliance members, and requirements for the alliance members.
Please see the RFI for additional details and submit your input here. In addition, please consider attending an upcoming webinar (next one on April 16). Stakeholder roundtable sessions will also be held across the country through June. Read more here. Comment period closes August 25, 2020.
APLU’s Learning Exchange Forum: Rural Engagement for Resilient Communities
The American Public & Land-Grant Universities (APLU) is excited to provide a new monthly forum for those who are working in and/or are interested in supporting rural communities. Members of the forum will exchange best practices, engage philanthropic, private sector, and government funders, and more. Topics include:
- MAY- Rural Opportunity Zones
- JUNE- No Meeting. Join the CECE-CoR Joint Summer Meeting in State College, PA.
- JULY- Infrastructure Development
- AUGUST- Rural Workforce Development
- SEPTEMBER- General Rural Economic and Demographic Trends
- OCTOBER- Value Added Food Manufacturing
Learn more about the Learning Exchange Forum: Rural Engagement for Resilient Communities today!
Reports and Data for Economic Development
NEW USDA Releases Guide to Federal Programs for Rural Communities Impacted by COVID-19
On April 13, 2020, USDA released The COVID-19 Federal Rural Resource Guide (PDF, 349 KB), a first-of-its-kind resource for rural leaders looking for federal funding and partnership opportunities to help address this pandemic. USDA has taken many immediate actions to assist farmers, ranchers, producers, rural communities, and rural-based businesses and organizations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information on these actions, visit
Related Assistance: USDA Program Flexibilities to Help Rural Businesses and Communities
On March 25, USDA Rural Development announced a number of immediate actions taken to help rural residents, businesses and communities affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Rural Development will keep our customers, partners, and stakeholders continuously updated as more actions are taken to better serve rural America. Read the full announcement to learn more about the opportunities USDA Rural Development is implementing to provide immediate relief to our customers, partners, and stakeholders.
NEW Federal Reserve’s 2019 Small Business Credit Survey Offers Baseline for Recovery
On April 7, the 12 Federal Reserve Banks issued the Small Business Credit Survey: 2020 Report on Employer Firms , which examines the findings of an annual survey of small business owners nationwide. The report focuses on small employer firms — businesses that have between one and 499 full- or part-time payroll employees (hereafter “firms”). The 2019 survey yielded more than 5,500 responses from firms in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
As policymakers and service providers enact programs to help small businesses weather the COVID-19 outbreak, the report provides baseline estimates about small firms’ performance, financing and credit positions, and relationships with lending institutions prior to the onset of the crisis. To provide deeper insights into the financial health of small firms facing an economic shock, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York also released a supplemental brief that leverages data from the survey to gauge the financial resiliency of small firms. A subsequent report will provide results from nonemployer firms.
See also companion articles and reports issued by the following Federal Reserve Banks:
- Minneapolis Fed, 4/7: Survey reveals firms across the Ninth District are trying to find their footing in dizzying landscape, but the survival of many is at stake:
- Dallas Fed 3/31: Texas Economic Activity Suddenly Contracts in March; Outlook Worsens Due to COVID-19
- Philadelphia Fed: launched a weekly survey of businesses in the Third District on COVID-19 impacts on aspects of firm demand, production, and employment. We are also compiling weekly labor market information for our three-state region and the nation. Results and charts can be found here:
NEW: Census Bureau’s New Weekly Business Formation Statistics Data Now Available
The U.S. Census Bureau will begin releasing weekly business application data at the national and regional levels in addition to releasing the quarterly Business Formation Statistics (BFS). The BFS, which was first released in February 2018, tracks trends in business applications and formations at the state, regional, and national levels. The weekly data provide timely and granular information on the state of the economy but appropriate caution is required in interpreting fluctuations since high-frequency weekly data are subject to variation from seasonal factors including holidays and beginning and end of calendar year effects. See also:
- Data Visualization: Business Formation Statistics by State
Following its initial publication on April 8, 2020, the weekly BFS series will be published each Thursday at noon EDT. The weekly data will be available for a limited time and we will assess the demand for these data on an ongoing basis.
Non-Federal Info of Note:
NEW: NADO’s RDO COVID-19 Resource Center
Webpages are regularly updated with new Federal, State and Regional resources to assist with economic recovery. Also includes results of NADO’s March 20 member survey – take a look at the summary here., and has links to several EDD webpages that are responding to the crisis in their areas.
IEDC Covid-19 Resources for Economic Developers
IEDC’s webpage features its guide for economic recovery: Leadership in Times of Crisis: A Toolkit for Economic Recovery and Resiliency that provides useful information and resources on disaster preparedness, crisis response, business continuity and recovery strategies that a business or community can use to mitigate against the risks posed. IEDC also include links to its Impact Surveys and Needs Assessments based on its recent Member surveys and summaries of What EDOs Are Finding.
NEW: Policy Brief Discusses How to Restart Hawaii’s Tourist and Non-Tourist Economies. On April 3, researchers at the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization, East West Center, issued a policy brief titled, How to Control Hawaii’s Coronavirus Epidemic and Bring Back the Economy: The Next Steps. The brief outlines steps for managing the health crisis as well as a discussion of how the state can consider reopening the non-tourism economy which accounts for 77 percent of Hawaii’s GDP, ahead of a longer plan for tourism related businesses. Read the brief and summary here:
Disaster Recovery Resources & Info
Where to Find Federal Disaster Declarations
- You can find the latest federal emergency and disaster declarations, as well as prior declarations for other areas, on FEMA’s disaster declarations webpage.
- Amended Declarations: Existing Declarations may be subsequently amended to expand covered areas, provide notification that an incident has been closed, or make other necessary changes.
Funding and other Assistance Available for Economic Recovery:
Apply by April 30: USDA Community Facilities TA and Training Grants for Disaster Recovery
USDA is making $7.5 million in grants available through the Community Facilities TA and Training Grants: Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act. These funds can help rural communities continue their recovery from the devastating effects of hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, floods and other natural disasters. Electronic Application Deadline: April 30, 2020 via | Paper Application Deadline: May 5, 2020
Resources for COVID-19 Disaster Assistance:
The situation is rapidly changing, and new announcements are being issued frequently. Some of the following may be of particular interest to economic development stakeholders:
Official Site for Federal Resources
For the latest CDC guidance for individuals, businesses and communities see:
For a current compilation of other federal resources visit: The following announcements are highlighted below for your convenience:
Coronavirus Disease 2019 National Emergency Declaration
- President Trump has declared a nationwide emergency for COVID-19. View the Emergency declaration here..
- FEMA is also processing Major Disaster Declarations by State/Territory, as received by each Governor. See status of those declarations here:
SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program
Learn about the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, which provides working capital loans to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue.
UPDATE HUD Provides Flexibility for CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT Grantees:
On March 31, HUD released guidance on extended deadlines and other flexibilities for CDBG MIT, CDBG-NDR and CDBG-DR grantees in response to COVID-19. View the Fact Sheet and FAQs here:
DOL Resources to help workers and employers prepare for COVID-19
The U.S. Department of Labor has resources to help workers and employers prepare for the COVID-19 virus (also known as novel coronavirus). Including:
- OSHA Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19– Developed in collaboration with the HHS to help employers respond in the event of coronavirus in the workplace.
- The Wage and Hour Division is providing information on common issues employers and workers face when responding to COVID-19,
- The Employment and Training Administration announced new guidance outlining state flexibilities in administering their unemployment insurance programs to assist Americans affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.
EDA FY19 Disaster Supplemental Funding Available for Areas Impacted by 2018/19 Natural Disasters
EDA’s Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Disaster Supplemental Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), made available $587 million for eligible grantees in communities impacted by Presidentially declared natural disasters in 2018, and by floods and tornadoes in 2019. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted. View Opportunity Number EDA-2019-DISASTER on, and contact your EDA Regional Office representative for eligibility information and application assistance.
- For more information, view EDA’s September 2019 webinar video recording and download the slides on our Disaster Supplemental Web page.
- View information about EDA grants made, as well as related resources on EDA’s Disaster Recovery web page.
NIST Funding Available for MEP Disaster Assessment Program
NIST invites applications from current recipients of Manufacturing Extension Partnership Center cooperative agreements (MEP Centers) to perform assessments of small- and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) in areas subject to a FEMA Disaster Declaration under the NIST MEP Disaster Assessment Program. NIST will accept applications from MEP Centers on a rolling basis based on the date of the subject FEMA Disaster Declaration. See NOFO (2020-NIST-MEP-MDAP-01) for full details.
EPA Toolkit Features Resources to Prepare for Natural Disasters
The U.S. EPA Urban Waters Federal Partnership has released a new toolkit, How to Prepare for Natural Disasters: A Pre-Disaster Toolkit for Small to Medium-Sized Communities. Click here to access the toolkit.
HUD TA for Disaster Recovery in Distressed Cities.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is accepting requests for Technical Assistance (TA) under the new Distressed Cities Technical Assistance (DCTA) Program. Note that HUD strongly encourages interested jurisdictions to contact your HUD Field Office prior to submitting a request for TA.
HUD Mitigation Funds Available through CDBG-MIT Program.
In August, HUD announced $16B in CDBG-MIT funds for eligible jurisdictions and states, impacted by major disasters in 2015-2017. CDBG-MIT funds are to be used for different purposes than HUD’s traditional disaster funding, or CDBG-DR funds. It focuses on current and future risks, including actions communities can take to protect themselves from the predictable damage from future events. To learn more, view this recent HUD webinar on the CDBG-MIT program.
USDA Rural Housing Announced Availability of 2019 Disaster Relief Act Funds
USDA Rural Housing Service’s Community Facilities Program (CF) has supplemental grant funding available for necessary expenses related to the consequences of Hurricanes Michael and Florence and wildfires occurring in calendar year 2018, tornadoes and floods occurring in calendar year 2019, and other natural disasters. Submit applications through USDA State Office contacts, available here.
Economic Recovery Support & the National Disaster Response Framework
- Read more about the Economic Recovery Support Function (ERSF) and the National Disaster Response Framework here: