Advanced Manufacturing Partnership for Southern California (AMP SoCal)

Recap of Regional Studies Association Conference, Atlanta: June 14-17, 2016

Published June 22, 2016

Deepak Bahl, Program Director and Co-Principal Investigator for AMP SoCal and the USC Center for Economic Development, was a panel speaker at the Regional Studies Association Conference, Cities & Regions: Managing Growth & Change, held at Georgia Tech in Atlanta from June 14-17, 2016. The panel session was titled Regional Collaboration for Effective Economic Development Manufacturing Strategies: IMCP Communities. Leigh Hopkins, Sr. Project Manager, Georgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute, Center for Economic Development Research served as the moderator for the panel.

On the panel were the following speakers:

Pictured left to right: Deepak Bahl, Debra Franklin, Erin Ketelle, Julie Wenah, and Leigh Hopkins

The panelists discussed how an integrated approach has helped regions across the country identify gaps in the current manufacturing ecosystem, developed strategies to improve the climate for jobs and investment, and created strong and committed partnership networks to implement those strategies. The panelists shared their experiences – best practices, lessons learned, and practical advice – on how to build a strong manufacturing ecosystem and influence regional policy using collaboration and partnerships generated through the IMCP program.

Click here to view a PDF of the PowerPoint presentation.

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