Just when you thought election season was over, AMP SoCal has started the nomination process for positions on its Executive Council. The election will be held in February 2017. If you are interested in participating, please follow the instructions below.
Election Timeline
- Nomination period is November 17 – January 31. You may nominate yourself if interested.
- If you are nominated by another, you will be contacted via email to determine whether you want to accept the nomination before being added to the ballot.
- County representatives must reside or work in the County they wish to represent.
- Elections will be held via Survey Monkey in February.
- The nominee for each position receiving the second highest number of votes will be elected to the position of Vice Chair or Alternate
- Please submit completed form to [email protected]
Supporting Documents
About the AMP SoCal Executive Council
The Executive Council is responsible for guiding AMP SoCal’s long-term vision and integrating the activities of the Pillar Committees into the shared goal of supporting the A&D manufacturing ecosystem in Southern California. The council includes a chair and vice chair selected by and representing each of the six Pillar Committees. It also consists of a representative from the different counties in Southern California, the A&D industry and each of the Co-Applicants for AMP SoCal. Click here for a listing of the current Executive Council members.