Workforce Development
AB 1111 – Breaking Barriers to Employment: This bill establishes a competitive grant program for activities that address the needs of individuals who face multiple barriers to prepare for training, apprenticeship, or employment opportunities, which will lead to self-sufficiency and economic stability. Funding mechanism: State Treasury – Breaking Barriers to Employment Initiative Fund. (Chaptered)
Career Technical Programs
AB 2098, Kids Code (McCarty) would establish the After School Kids Code Grant Pilot Program within the ASES framework to provide funding for after-school programs that promote STEM education and focus on computer coding as part of their curriculum.
State of California Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia states, “Education is not one-size-fits-all and we must bolster investments into the technical education programs, and cultural enriching courses that encourage students to derive their own unique identity and build lucrative skill sets.”
“Career Technical Education programs are a critical component to lifting California communities out of poverty by aligning our educational system with industry skills and regional workforce development efforts. These opportunities stimulate career aspirations and pathways.”
“The establishment of an After School Coding Grant program through the ASES will help open up a whole wide world of career opportunities for students by enforcing a diverse range of computer programing skill sets.”
SB 1243 – California State Pathways in Tech: Support SB 1243 (Portantino), this bill would establish a public-private partnership for preparing students for high-skilled jobs.
AB 1149 – Workforce Investment Boards: This bill allows Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) to classify funds spent providing supportive services to those served by the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) as “leveraged funds” that satisfy mandated spending requirements for workforce training. (Chaptered)
AB 1743, California Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program (O’Donnell) extends funding for the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program at $500 million per year and establishes funding of $12 million per year for regional technical assistance.
Broadband – Digital Divide
AB 1665 – Internet for All Now Act of 2017: This bill extends the California Advanced Service Fund (CASF) and authorizes additional collections of a modest fee on telephone bills to support broadband infrastructure deployment and adoption in underserved and disadvantaged communities. (Chaptered)