Knowing your direct suppliers and managing your direct suppliers’ processes alone is no longer sufficient. Supply chain visibility is imperative for taking pre-emptive action within your supply network, and mapping California’s defense supply chain is a necessary first step towards helping companies like yours mitigate potential negative impacts of changes in the level of defense spending.
The Institute of Applied Research (IAR) at California State University San Bernardino is partnering with the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) in an effort to map California’s Defense Supply Chain for the purpose of identifying the communities, businesses and workers that may be affected by changes in defense spending.
If you are a California-based employer who does business with the U.S. Department of Defense, please take a short confidential survey (link below) – help us improve the resilience of the defense supply chain, and help us identify new opportunities for your company to grow, diversify, address cybersecurity issues, and enter into new markets. We hope you will participate.
Why should you participate?
- To promote your firm’s capabilities to contractors looking for suppliers;
- To make connections with companies dealing with the same issues you are — cybersecurity compliance, finding efficiencies, etc.;
- To help you improve your own business resilience;
- To put you into contact with other CASCADE project partners that can help your company;
- To help you identify potential risks beyond your direct suppliers.
It will take you less than 10 minutes to participate in this confidential survey. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Barbara Sirotnik, Director of the Institute of Applied Research, at 909-537-5729 or [email protected].
Click here to participate in the survey.
This research is part of the California Advanced Supply Chain Analysis and Diversification Effort (CASCADE), an initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Defense to bolster California’s defense supply chain cybersecurity resilience, innovation capacity and diversification strategies, and to support the growth and sustainment of California’s Cybersecurity workforce through cybersecurity-related education curricula, training, and apprenticeship programs. For more information, go to or access the survey at